
aggdraw patches/fixes/updates

So i have been slowly overhauling bits of aggdraw and now have come to a point where i thought i'd explain what all i have done. Originally agg was packaged with aggdraw and it was an older version of the 2.x series, 2.3 if im not mistaken. I've now updated this older code to the current version of 2.5, updated many of the interfaces. Everything seems to be much faster now. I will have more to post later.

revision change of the update.


fluid dynamics update.

The fluid dynamics is working now! albeit at a slow frame rate but it is actually working.


Python fluid dynamics library.

I'm currently working on a fluid dynamics library for my graphics library but have a very broad implementation up here. This is currently a work in progress. so it may or may not work. It requires fftw. I plan to use it to show the flow between nodes on a graph.

Original paper [JGT01]

Code here.


Python drawing library.

I've been working on a python drawing library for about a month and a half now, and i'm ready to share some details about it. Originally i was just going to take nodebox and re implement the backend to support aggdraw and PIL. But i ran acrossed design problems and supporting their API would make the library feel more like a standalone program than a real library. This is due to the fact that nodebox is really a standalone application and i wanted something that i could easily call from other programs. So far the requirements for the library are aggdraw, PIL and numpy. I have worked up several patches for aggdraw so all of the current problems with aggdraw should be worked out.


graph drawing library.

I have written a graph library almost entirely in Python, with some necessary code in C. First generation path drawing, Below are images in order of progression with the bottom being the better path/node placement.